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4. Obtaining the bbs program


The versions of the FBB BBS that are left on the f6fbb web site will no longer work with the latest Linux kernel version 2.6

To get a version you can actually use you have to download the last available Linux version xd704j.tgz which you can find on the website.

Copy it into the /usr/src directory, then as super user root give the command tar xvzf xd704j.tgz

You will now have the source code for the BBS installed in a directory called fbbsrc.704j, but it won't compile or run under the 2.6 kernel, so now go back to and collect the patch file fbbsrc.704l.patch

Copy fbbsrc.704l.patch into /usr/src and as root give the command patch -p0 < fbbsrc.704l.patch

This will patch out the old version 704J of the FBB program and create a new version L in the old folder.

Go into the fbbsrc.704j directory and then into the src directory below it and give the command make

You should then build an FBB daemon version that will run under the 2.6 kernel, and all you have to do now is configure it.

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