Only for LinFBB !
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XFBB.SH (/usr/local/fbb) This is the very first file that LinFBB will use. You will find it in /usr/local/fbb-directory. (or in that directory you chosen when you installed LinFBB). You don't really need to do any changes in this file, unless you did some changes during the installation-process. If you did, you must change the pathnames in LinFBB.SH exactly the same as you did during the installation. This is very important ! So look for the lines that I have marked with an <--- below. This file is used to start both the deamon version and X-Windows version of LinFBB, to start the deamon version you should type: ./ -d & in X-Windows xterm you should start LinFBB with: ./ You must go to the LinFBB root directory before executing this shell script. #!/bin/sh # # Shell file to LinFBB software # # F6FBB 1996 # # # Base directory of LinFBB software XFBBDIR=/usr/local/xfbb <--- # # Add local PATH PATH=$XFBBDIR/bin:$PATH # # Export resource file XAPPLRESDIR=$XFBBDIR/res export XFBBDIR PATH XAPPLRESDIR end_session() { echo "Session of LinFBB is ended" exit 0; } maintenance() { echo "Running maintenance" sleep 2 $XFBBDIR/bin/epurmess > /dev/null 2>&1 <--- $XFBBDIR/bin/epurwp 40 90 > /dev/null 2>&1 <--- } rerun() { echo "Re-running LinFBB" sleep 2 } error_return() { echo "Unknown return value $1" sleep 10 } if [ "_$1" = "_-d" ] then XFBB=xfbbd shift else XFBB=xfbb fi PARAM=$* while [ 1 ] do cd $XFBBDIR <--- echo echo "Running LinFBB ^C to abort" sleep 3 echo "Starting LinFBB ..." $XFBB $PARAM <--- ret=$? echo case $ret in 1) end_session ;; 2) rerun;; 3) maintenance;; *) error_return $ret;; esac done![]()
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