The following is just one way to set up DXLab’s separate - yet interactive - applications. I like this approach because it’s easy to remember and easy to upgrade.  The following assumes use of Windows XP, but should work with previous Windows versions too. Also, the following assumes that you wish to begin the DXLab adventure with Launcher and DXKeeper. To set up each additional application, substitute its name in Step 1.

DXLabLauncher (DXLL)

DXKeeper (DXK)

CI-V Commander (CMD)

DXView (DXV)

PropView (PV)

Pathfinder (PF)

SpotCollector (SC)

WinWarbler (WW)


Step 1

Navigate to the Windows Program Files folder, usually C:/Program Files.  Create the following new Folders:




Step 2

a.      In the new DXLabLauncher main folder, create a new subfolder and name it Install

b.      In the new DXKeeper main folder, create a new subfolder and name it Install


Step 3

Download the application files to the respective Install subfolders. You will install each application from there.  Each download is done separately, because each DXLab application can run independently, although each one knows when other DXLab applications are  running and will interact with them without the need for the user to do anything.  Thus, the new user may start with one or two DXLab applications until comfortable, then add other applications as desired.  There are several download sites available… see the list at


Because it’s much faster than the original qsl.net site, I like the KY1V mirror site at


The download sites also explain about Full Releases (FR)  and Development Releases (DR)… be sure to read this information carefully.  For each application, you will download the most recent Full Release, followed by the most recent Development Release. (Each DR includes the changes from all the previous DR’s going back to the last FR, so all you need is the FR and the most recent DR.)

Step 4

Let’s begin with DXLab Launcher, from which all the other applications may be started.

Download the most recent DXLab Launcher Full Release (FR)… DXLabLauncherXXXArchive.exe (where XXX = the version number)…to the Install subfolder in the DXLab Launcher main folder you created in Step 1. (All downloads will always go to an application’s Install subfolder.) After the FR download is complete, download the latest Development Release (DR). Close out of the download site, navigate back to the Install subfolder and double-click on the FR’s zipped file.. It’s a “self-extracting” file, so it will unzip all by itself, creating several files in the Install subfolder, including setup.exe.  Double-click on setup.exe to install DXLabLauncher.

After the basic installation is complete, return to the Install subfolder and double-click on the DR…DXLabLauncherXXXUpdate.exe. This is also a self-extracting file.  If you now look at the contents of the main folder (NOT the Install subfolder) you should see a variety of files including a Help subfolder. Initial study of the Help files isn’t really necessary… just skim over them quickly to get the general idea of how the program works, then give the application a try… referring back to the help files when necessary.  In addition to the Help folder, the DXLabLauncher main folder should now contain the file DXLabLauncherXXX.exe  (where XXX = the version number)…double-clicking this should open DXLab Launcher, and the version number should appear in the title bar at the top. OK, close it down and proceed to Step 5.


Step 5

Next, let’s install DXKeeper…the Log application…which is probably the first program you’ll want to try. From your download site, download the latest FR and DR and save them to the IInstall subfolder in the DXKeeper main folder you created in Step 1.  Next, in the Install subfolder, double-click the FR DXKeeperXXXArchive.exe to unzip DXKeeper.  When that’s done, double-click setup.exe to install DXKeeper. After completing the basic installation, return to the Install subfolder and double-click on DXKeeperXXXUpdate.exe to unzip the latest release version.  Checking the DXKeeper main folder, there are now several files there, including a Help folder and DXKeeperXXX.exe.  (Later, when you’re ready to install other DXLab applications, each application in turn can be downloaded to its own Install subfolder, then unzipped and installed in a manner similar to the above.)

S tep 6

Now you’re ready to setup your desktop icon from which you will be able to “launch” the installed DXLab applications. Navigate to the DXLabLauncher main folder (NOT the Install subfolder), right-click on the file DXLabLauncherXXX.exe, and create a Shortcut. Drag this Shortcut to your Desktop and release it there.  Close out of all the open windows to return to your desktop.  You now have a DXLab Launcher icon which will access all of the installed DXLab applications from a single point on your desktop.  Double-click the DXLab Launcher icon.  Launcher should open and you should see each of the DXLab applications represented with it’s own Start button. The installed ones are active. Hit the Config button at lower left to enter DXLabLauncher’s Configuration page.. 


Step 7

In Launcher’s Configuration screen, on the line for DXKeeper, hit the Sel button and navigate to your new DXKeeper main folder (NOT the Install subfolder) in Program Files. There, highlight the latest DR…DXKeeperXXX.exe… and hit the Open button to put the path to that file in the “Program Path” box for DXKeeper on Launcher’s Config page. Finally, place a check in the Enab box for DXKeeper…when you install more applications you’ll want to establish the path and Enable each one here. Each Enabled application will then open when you click the Start button on Launcher’s opening screen.  Further set-up instructions for the individual applications will be found in their respective Help files.


Last, here’s a short description of the Update process:  First, not every Development Release needs to be installed. The release availability announcement will list what that release introduces. If you don’t care about those features or changes, ignore that release….when you eventually do install a new release, it will include all the previous releases anyway. To install a new Development Release, download it to that application’s Install folder and Unzip it. That will place a new updated executable file (e.g., DXKeeperXXX.exe) in the application’s main folder, and all you need do is use the Sel button on Launcher’s Config page to change the path to the new executable file. You can, if you wish, go back to any previous version in the same way… assuming you still have that version’s file.  I keep two or three previous release versions for each application, although you can delete the FR and any previous DR files if you wish…. after the initial installation, all you need is the latest DR.


Please report any needed corrections to:  Jerry K3BZ  k3bz@arrl.net