Syntax SetIconProperty(@"IconTitle", #viewPoint, point)

SetIconProperty(@"IconTitle", #viewPoint, point)

Type Icon property, sprite property
Description  This property controls the point within a Flash movie that's displayed at the center of the sprite's bounding rectangle. This point is specified in Flash movie pixel units. The point values are integers.

Changing the view point of a Flash movie sprite doesn't change the location of the sprite in the Presentation window, only the view of the movie within the sprite's bounding rectangle. The view point is the coordinate within a Flash movie that is displayed at the center of the sprite's bounding rectangle. The view point is always expressed relative to the movie's origin (as set by the originPoint, originH, and originV properties). For example, if you set a movie's viewpoint at Point(100,100), the center of the sprite will display the point within the Flash movie that is 100 Flash movie pixel units to the right and 100 Flash movie pixel units down from the origin point, regardless of where you move the origin point.

The viewPoint property is specified as a point value; for example, Point(100,200). Setting a Flash movie's view point with the viewPoint property is the same as setting the viewH and viewV properties separately. For example, setting the viewPoint property to Point(50,75) is the same as setting the viewH property to 50 and the viewV property to 75.

Point values specified for the viewPoint property are restricted to integers, whereas viewH and viewV can be specified with floating-point numbers. When you test the viewPoint property, the point values are truncated to integers. As a rule of thumb, use the viewH and viewV properties for precision; use the viewPoint property for speed and convenience.

You can get and set the value of the viewPoint property. The default setting is Point(0,0).

Example  This routine moves a Flash movie sprite down and to the right 100 Flash movie pixel units.

repeat with i := 1 to 100
    NewPoint:=GetSpriteProperty(@"Flash Icon", #viewPoint)+i
    SetSpriteProperty(@"Flash Icon", #viewPoint, NewPoint)
end repeat
Related Functions viewH property, viewV property, viewScale property

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