Syntax result:=GetIconProperty(@"IconTitle", #state)
Type Icon property
Description  This property indicates the streaming state of a Flash sprite icon. The state property can have these integer values:

0 The icon is not in memory.
1 The header is currently loading.
2 The header has finished loading.
3 The icon's media is currently loading.
4 The icon's media has finished loading.
-1 An error occurred.

You cannot set the state property.

Example  This routine checks the state property to see if an error occurred for a Flash sprite icon. If there was an error, the routine sets a custom variable with the message and then calls the clearError method.

If GetIconProperty(@"Flash Icon", #state) then
    Error:=CallIcon(@"Flash Icon", #getError)
    CallIcon(@"Flash Icon", #clearError)
Related Functions clearError property, getError method

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