Ubuntu with Nokia E65 From UGOV Jump to: navigation, search The underneath howto has only been tested with Ubuntu Feisty (7.04) on 32 bit platform Contents [hide] * 1 Mounting your phone filesystem over bluetooth * 2 Installing applications on your phone * 3 Syncing contacts * 4 Reported successes * 5 Other ideas [edit] Mounting your phone filesystem over bluetooth Based on: http://davesource.com/Solutions/20070520.T-Mobile-Nokia-E65-Ubuntu-Linux.html (this site has also a nice Using T-Mobile Nokia E65 Symbian as a bluetooth modem for Ubuntu Linux howto, but i never tested that one) With the obexfs package you can mount your phone filesystem over bluetooth. Steps: * Get bluetooth working Now you need to get bluetooth working on your Linux box: as root: apt-get install bluez-utils /etc/init.d/bluetooth restart lsusb | grep -i bluetooth (should show the bluetooth device) hcitool dev (also lists bluetooth devices) apt-get install gnome-bluetooth * Pair the phone We need to find the bluetooth ID of the phone. You can get it with either hcitool or hidd: as root: hcitool scan or hidd --search Or just type "*#2820#" on your phone. For the rest of this document we'll assume we're given a bluetooth ID of "11:22:BE:EF:44:33". Either way, you need to pair the phone. * Install obexfs: apt-get install obexfs * Install fuse tools: apt-get install fuse-utils * Add your user to the 'fuse' group in /etc/groups (then log back in to get the group) * As root: chgrp fuse /dev/fuse (fix a possible bug) * Use sdptool to find the OBEX file transfer channel (as in binding above) * Create mount point (as root): mkdir /mnt/e65 * Permissions (as root): chmod ugo+rwx /mnt/e65 * Add to /etc/fstab: obexfs#-b11-22-BE-EF-44-33\040-B11 /mnt/e65 fuse user,noauto 0 0 In this case we change the address to use '-' and put it after the -b and before the \040, and then put the channel (in this case 11) after the -B. The use of whitespace is important Mount: mount /mnt/e65 Unmount: fusermount -u /mnt/e65 It's a shame you can't just use 'umount' but evidently it's not smart enough to deal with fuse mount points. You can also mount/unmount without changing /etc/fstab or the fuse group by using the commands: (as root) obexfs -b11:22:BE:EF:44:33 -B11 /tmp/e65 fusermount -u /tmp/e65 [edit] Installing applications on your phone apt-get install kdebluetooth Under the menu Internet you can find an application Bluetooth OBEX client, if you click search on the left side it should find your phone, select an .sisx file and press send. You will receive an sms on your phone, open this one and it will ask to install the application. [edit] Syncing contacts Based on: Ubuntu: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=260676&highlight=E65 kubuntu: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=1998822&postcount=62 * Add repositories and add repository gpg key to apt-get deb http://www.in.fh-merseburg.de/~jahn/opensync-0.21/ feisty main deb-src http://www.in.fh-merseburg.de/~jahn/opensync-0.21/ feisty main gpg --keyserver hkp://subkeys.pgp.net/ --recv-keys CB210090B029CB84 gpg --export CB210090B029CB84 | sudo apt-key add - NOTE: the repositories above don't exist anymore but seem to have moved here: deb http://opensync.gforge.punktart.de/repo/opensync-0.21/ feisty main deb-src http://opensync.gforge.punktart.de/repo/opensync-0.21/ feisty main apt-get update for kde: apt-get install libopensync-plugin-kdepim libopensync-plugin-file libopensync-plugin-google-calendar libopensync-plugin-synce libopensync-plugin-syncml libopensync0 opensyncutils msynctool multisync-qad for gnome: apt-get installlibopensync-plugin-* libopensync0 opensyncutils msynctool multisync-qad bluez-passkey-gnome bluez-gnome * setup bluetooth as described above * sudo hcitool scan... should show the E65 bluetooth mac # * you can use “sdptool browse “ to get detailed info on phone and what channels it uses. For syncing you want the channel for "SyncMLClient" (on Nokia E65 this is 10) Service Name: SyncMLClient Service RecHandle: 0x10003 Service Class ID List: UUID 128: 00000002-0000-1000-8000-0002ee000002 Protocol Descriptor List: "L2CAP" (0x0100) "RFCOMM" (0x0003) Channel: 10 "OBEX" (0x0008) Language Base Attr List: code_ISO639: 0x454e encoding: 0x6a base_offset: 0x100 Profile Descriptor List: "" (0x00000002-0000-1000-8000-0002ee000002) Version: 0x0100 * As user (not root!) msynctool --addgroup nokia (or whatever name you want) msynctool --addmember nokia evo2-sync (or kdepim-sync for kubuntu) msynctool --addmember nokia syncml-obex-client First we configure the phone side: msynctool --configure nokia 2 Nokia config file: 00:18:C5:43:19:2B 14 0 KDE 1 1 2 1 0 0 0 0 Contacts Then we configure the evolution side: msynctool --configure nokia 1 the evolution config file, probably default works also file:///home/USERNAME/.evolution/addressbook/local/system Replace USERNAME with your username. * to sync, from terminal msynctool --sync nokia * Once this is working, you can use Menu->Utilities->Multisync-gui to sync Some notes Notes and Calendar syncing does not seem to work (at least for me). However some people reported success with this. to enable this you need to complete the phone sync config like this: Calendar Notes This is the part where i got an error on my phone ... and the phone part: file:///home/USERNAME/.evolution/calendar/local/system file:///home/USERNAME/.evolution/tasks/local/system [edit] Reported successes Kristian Bäckström reported the syncing of contacts also works with a Nokia E90 but he has the same problem with syncing Calendar (and probably Notes) [edit] Other ideas maybe sync would work with Wammu? ( http://wammu.eu/ ) Surfing through bluetooth: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=471441 Comments on this howto, success with this guide and other phones or if anyone should get this last part to work? Do not hesitate to drop me a mail! ghosty-sig.png