Nov 2001, Last update: Dec 2004 ====== DwPage ====== A widget for displaying texts. It is (currently) the main widget for rendering HTML documents. Signals ======= DwPage defines the same signals as DwImage, except "image_pressed", with the exception that the coordinates are always -1. See DwImage.txt for more details. Collapsing Spaces ================= The idea behind this is that every text box has a specific vertical space around and that they are combined to one space, according to rules stated below. A rule is either a paragraph within a DwPage widget, or a DwPage within a DwPage widget, in a single line; the latter is used for indented boxes and list items. The rules: 1. If a box is following another, the space between them is the maximum of both box spaces: +---------+ |/////////| |/////////| +---------+ +---------+ |/////////| | A | |/////////| +---------+ +---------+ |/////////| | A | |/////////| +---------+ +---------+ are combined like this: |/////////| |XXXXXXXXX| +---------+ +---------+ |\\\\\\\\\| | B | +---------+ +---------+ | B | |\\\\\\\\\| +---------+ +---------+ |\\\\\\\\\| +---------+ 2. a) If one box is the first box within another, the upper space of these boxes collapse. b) The analogue is the case for the last box: +---------+ If B and C are put into A, |/////////| the result is: |/////////| +---------+ +---------+ +---------+ | A | <--+-- |\\\\\\\\\| |/////////| +---------+ ¦ +---------+ |XXXXXXXXX| |/////////| | | B | +---------+ |/////////| | +---------+ | B | +---------+ | |\\\\\\\\\| +---------+ | +---------+ |\\\\\\\\\| | |\\\\\\\\\| | +---------+ |\\\\\\\\\| `-- |\\\\\\\\\| +---------+ |\\\\\\\\\| | C | |\\\\\\\\\| +---------+ +---------+ |\\\\\\\\\| | C | |XXXXXXXXX| +---------+ |XXXXXXXXX| |\\\\\\\\\| +---------+ |\\\\\\\\\| |\\\\\\\\\| +---------+ For achieving this, there are some features of DwPage: - Consequent breaks are automatically combined, according to rule 1. See the code of a_Dw_page_add_break for details. - If a break is added as the first word of the DwPage within another DwPage, collapsing according to rule 2a is done automatically. See the code of a_Dw_page_add_break. - To collapse spaces according to rule 2b, a_Dw_page_hand_over_break must be called for the *inner* widget. The HTML parser does this in Html_eventually_pop_dw. Collapsing Margins ================== Collapsing margins, as defined in the CSS2 specification, are, supported in addition to collapsing spaces. Also, spaces and margins collapse themselves. I.e., the space between two paragraphs is the maximum of the space calculated as described in "Collapsing Spaces" and the space calculated according to the rules for collapsing margins. (This is an intermediate hybrid state, collapsing spaces are used in the current version of dillo, while I implemented collapsing margins for CSS and integrated it already into the main trunk. For a pure CSS-based dillo, collapsing spaces will not be needed anymore, and may be removed for simplicity.) Some Internals ============== There are two lists, words and lines. The word list is quite static; only new words may be added. A word is either text, a widget, a break or an anchor. Anchors are stored in the text, because it may be necessary to correct the scroller positions at rewrapping. Lines refer to the word list (first and last), they are completely redundant, i.e., they can be rebuilt from the words. Lines can be rewrapped either completely or partially (see "Incremental Resizing" below). For the latter purpose, several values are accumulated in the lines. See the file "dw_page.h" for details. Incremental Resizing -------------------- DwPage makes use of incremental resizing as described in Dw.txt, section "Resizing". The parent_ref is, for children of a DwPage, simply the number of the line. Generally, there are three cases which may change the size of the widget: 1. The available size of the widget has changed, e.g., because the user has changed the size of the browser window. In this case, it is necessary to rewrap all the lines. 2. A child widget has changed its size. In this case, only a rewrap down from the line where this widget is located is necessary. (This case is very important for tables. Tables are quite at the bottom, so that a partial rewrap is relevant. Otherwise, tables change their size quite often, so that this is necessary for a fast, non-blocking rendering) 3. A word (or widget, break etc.) is added to the page. This makes it possible to reuse the old size by simply adjusting the current width and height, so no rewrapping is necessary. The state of the size calculation is stored in wrap_ref within DwPage, which has the value -1 if no rewrapping of lines necessary, or otherwise the line from which a rewrap is necessary.