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Topic: play
mpg,mov,avi in totem(fc5) (Read 389
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Posts: 9

play mpg,mov,avi in
totem(fc5) «
on: May 05, 2006, 12:15:21 PM »
hi you could make totem play all the media
files for you(in fc5).remove totem already
installed by going to add or remove
softwares or remove it manually
then open
up terminal and at the command promt login as
root then type
[root@localhost ~~]#
yum install xine totem-xine
this will do
the rest
before you will have to specify
from which url u want yum to download
packages...if u r a beginner then download the
package livna-release-5.rpm and install
it rpm -ivh livna-release-5.rpm
rpm will tell yum the url from which it could
safely download all the packages(
team if you could do a small favour beginners
could save their effort.
build an rpm or
write a small shell program and include all the
necessary plugins(almost 10 plugins) and give it
with next months cd as an update.thus we can
stop to an extent the myth that tux dont enjoy
movies! |
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Posts: 2

I'm a llama!
Re:play mpg,mov,avi in
totem(fc5) « Reply
#1 on: May 07, 2006, 01:08:40 PM »
but my software update doesnt work.... it
saya unable to retrieve package information....
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Posts: 412
"Microsoft technology"
-- isn't that an oxymoron?
Re:play mpg,mov,avi in
totem(fc5) « Reply
#2 on: May 19, 2006, 02:29:33 PM »
You need a working net connection for it to
work.. |
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