The purpose of this section is to explain how
to install the Honeywall CDROM, and the different options you
have. Please submit all bugs/corrections for this
documentation or the Honeywall CDROM to our Bugzilla Server.
Last Modified: 16 August, 2005 |
4. Installation
- Installation
- Alternate
Automated Configuration Option

4.1 Installation
Steps These steps describe how to install the
Honeywall software to your hard drive. Keep in mind, this
process will DESTROY all data on your hard drive, so make sure
the hard drive has no critical data, or you have made
back-ups. You have been warned.
- Ensure your system meets the requirements, as stated in
3: Requirements Section.
- Download the latest copy of the Roo ISO from the
homepage or a mirror
local to you. Make sure you verify the MD5 signature after
- Use your favorite CDROM mastering process to create a
CDROM from the downloaded ISO. Or, if you are using
virtualization software, such as VMware, you may be able to
boot from the .iso image. For more information on how to
boot and run from VMware, refer to the paper Deploying
Honeywall Using VMware.
- Confgiure your BIOS to ensure the system will boot from
the CDROM. Boot your computer. It should boot from the
CDROM, beginning the installation process.
- The Honeynet Project splash
screen should appear. At this point system will wait for
you input. No installation will happen until you press the
Enter key. Only after you have manually done that,
then the system will begin the installation process. Once
the installation begins it is a fully
automated process, there is no need to interact with the
the installation from this point on. For automated, headless
installations that do not require manual intervention,
pleasse refer to Section-7:
- Once the installation is complete, the CDROM should
eject and the system should reboot. Your hard drive now has
a minimized (233 RPMs) and hardened Fedora Core 3 operating
system with Honeywall support added. You should be presented
with a command line login prompt. At this point you can
login begin the standard configuration process. See the next
section, Section
4: Initial Setup of the documentation for more details.

4.2 Alternate Automated
Configuration Option
The above installation process is the most
common process for standalone deployments, or for individuals
or organizations that want to deploy a test system for the
first time. However, organizations that are deploying
distributed Honeywalls may want an install process that
includes automated configuration, enabling a hands free
deployment. Below are two such methods.
- You can have the CDROM read a pre-built Honeywall
configuration file during the installation process. The
primary way of doing this is by inserting a floppy into the
computer before step [4]. This floppy needs to contain a
preconfigured honeywall.conf file that contains all
the information your system needs to configure itself
(detail information aboubt this file in Section
5: Initial Setup. During the install process the CDROM
will check for a floppy with the honeywall.conf
configuration file. If it finds such a file on a floppy, it
will use the variables contained there to install a fully
configured honeywall. This only works on first boot. After
that, there is a marker set and the floopy will never be
checked again. This is because an attacker could walk up
with his own floppy and reboot the system to gain access to
it. This precaution also prevents from accidental reloading
of older configurations from a forgotten floppy left in the
- The second way to automate configuration during the
install process is to use customization features to insert
your own pre-configured honeywall.conf file into a
customized ISO, and can then let the installation process
use this as the default configuration. Sites who will be
deploying large numbers of honeywalls may want to
pre-configure globally applicable values (such as central
management host, SSH server port, whether or not root logins
through SSH are allowed, etc.). You can learn more about
customization in Section
8: Customization.
