README FIRST DOWNLOAD INSTRUCTION FOR GDL VERSION WIN98 AND WIN NT/2000 Download 3 zip files from curent directory: - (GDL main source code) size: 642 kb will be extracted to /gdl31/gdl31/[code goes here..] - (documentation in PDF) size: 2,85 MB will be extracted to /gdl31/gdl31/doc/brosur-gdl31.pdf (and gdlmanual.pdf) - (contain pre installed application for Windows 98) size: 8,5 MB or (contain pre installed application for Windows 2000 or NT) size: 8,5 MB will be extracted to /gdl31/apache/... /gdl31/mysql/... /gdl31/php/... /gdl31/[*.bat files] Save the zip files into your temporary directory. Extract using winzip, INTO DIRECTORY C:\ or D:\ Note: Don't extract to sub directory. Must be at root directory. READ INSTALL-[OS].TXT at /gdl31/ directory... Good luck, Ismail Fahmi, KMRG ITB