README INSTALLATION MANUAL FOR GDL ON WINDOWS 98 ---------------------------------------------- By Ismail Fahmi KMRG ITB Quick Install: --------------- 1. Extract *.zip files to root directory of your HD. It could be to directory C, D, E of your HD. Or copy directory tree of /gdl31/ to root dir 2. The directory: /gdl31 <-------------- should be at root directory --> Apache/ gdl31/ mysql/ php/ gdlstart.bat gdlstop.bat install.bat 3. Type install.bat Note: it only will make a temporary directory at C drive as /apache. 4. Please make sure you have set up your TCP/IP for your PC. 5. Don't forget to edit C:/windows/hosts file to add your localhost as 6. Start to run GDL !!! Type gdlstart.bat (or you can make a shortcut) Note: it will run mysql and apache web server on your PC. Apache will appear as a MS-DOS windows. Don't close it. 7. Using your browser (IE,Netscape), type this address: http://localhost Then, you should see your Personal Digital Library at your screen. 8. To stop, type gdlstop.bat from the /gdl31/ directory Start using GDL: ----------------- - login as superuser@localhost, password: dawnofdl - Register your own account using your own email address - MENU -> Membership -> your account -> confirm set as on / set as superuser - login as your own account - Add category - Add Article - Search - etc.. For synchronization: -------------------- - as superuser - MENU -> Synchronization -> connect (connect to at ITB) -> read the HELP and user manual from http://localhost/faqgdl.php Some Modifications: ------------------ /gdl31/gdl31/util/gdl31.ini --> configuration for this server publisher.ini --> contain your id and serial number /template/ /template/ /template/ /template/ More? see http://localhost/setting.php Some questions? --------------- Send to Join mailing list, send to: Tell me if you success. I'll be happy. Thanks, Ismail Fahmi