README INSTALLATION MANUAL FOR GDL ON CDROM ---------------------------------------------- By Ismail Fahmi KMRG ITB You also can run GDL on CD-ROM without have to copy all files into your hard drive. This CD-ROM only support such feature for Windows 98. Steps: 1. From your cd-rom drive, go to /gdl31 directory. You will find INSTALL.BAT. 2. Click or type INSTALL.BAT. 3. To start the program: Start -> Programs -> Ganesha Digital Library 3.1 -> start.bat 4. Using IE or Netscape, type the URL: http://localhost 5. You should see the front page of Ganesha Digital Library for TESTINSTITUTION. All contents are under /IndonesiaDLN/ category. *** error message *** You will find error message: "Got error 9 from table handler" at the bottom of the pages. It is normal, because the program can't write the database on CD-ROM (Read Only). *** For faster access you should copy the program into local hard drive. Read INSTALL-[OS].TXT file for installation manual. 6. To close the program: Start -> Programs -> Ganesha Digital Library 3.1 -> stop.bat Good luck, Ismail Fahmi Knowledge Management Research Group ITB Question? Join mailing list, send to: