To achieve this alignment, multiple mounting holes and slots
are provided. The hanger cradle has three sets of U-bolt
mounting slots. The cradle and brace have two staggered rows
of slots for mounting to the support and the support beam has
two corresponding mounting holes.
Alternate mounting hole positions are also provided as described
in the CAUTION statement in Step 3. The general procedure
- With the cable setting in the cradles at low levels, or
the cable nesting against the cradles at high level,
visually determine which corrugation will be used to
secure the cable to the hanger.
- Before inserting the U-bolt into the hanger, wrap emery
cloth (#220310) around the dowel rod (220311) and remove
the paint from the bottom of this corrugation over a
length of 6 inches (153 mm). The 6-inch (153 mm) length
should be along that part of the corrugation that will
contact the curved section of the U-bolt. This contact
grounds the cable at the support. Apply a coating of
Alumashield® (#203233-4) over the entire
area where paint was removed.
- Install the U-bolt around this corrugation and adjust
the cradle/brace, within their corresponding elongated
slots, to obtain alignment between the U-bolt and the
U-bolt mounting slots. If these adjustments are not
sufficient, then reattach the cradle/brace to the
support in the adjacent slot of the alternate row
that moves the U-bolt closer to a set of mounting slots.
The staggering of the slots is designed to then obtain
alignment of the U-bolt and the mounting slots through
adjustments within the elongated slots. Once aligned,
tighten the cradle, brace, and clamping plates to the
CAUTION: Never assemble a hanger with the cable flange
against the cradle. Use the additional mounting slots in the
cradle/brace or the alternate mounting positions on the support
beam to avoid these occurences. The illustration shows the
extreme positioning that is possible for a high-level support
hanger. For low-level supports, an extension bracket is
provided to obtain a smiliar range for the hanger position.
4. Tighten the U-bolt gradually, alternating between the ends,
to seat it into the corrugation and avoid damage to the outer
conductor. Tighten until completely seated against the staked
nuts on the U-bolt. Cost the exposed threaded ends of the U-bolt
with Alumashield® (#203233-4).

CAUTION: Proper grounding requires good contact between
the U-bolt and the corrugation surface where the paint was
