Figure 3
- Refer to Figure 4. Press down on the retaining lock
arm and swing the reflector out approximately 30°.
Grasp the white collar on the adjustable strut and rotate
it counterclockwise to unlock the upper section. Extend
the strut and insert the captive fastener at the end into
the hinge pocket on the reflector rib closest to the center.
Lock the strut by rotating the white collar clockwise. The
antenna should now look as illustrated in Figure 4.

Figure 4
- Refer to Figure 5. Remove the feed system from the
bag attached to the top cover plate and carefully unfold
the struts. Insert the machined end of the struts into the
four holes in the rim of the reflector. Insert the retaining
pins through the holes in the boss at the back of the
reflector on the top two struts only.

Figure 5
- To adjust the elevation angle, refer to Figure 5.
Support the reflector while unlocking the elevation strut
(rotate counterclockwise). Now move the reflector to the
desired elevation angle and lock the strut in place
(rotate clockwise).
- For elevation angles too high for the current position,
move the strut fastener to the elevation bracket located
nearer to the edge of the reflector.
- This completes the mechanical assembly. To dismantle
the antenna, simply reverse the previously described
- Align azimuth axis electrically on the satellite, adjust
the elevation axis electically on the satellite, adjust
polarization and focal length (27.5"). Repeat as required.