Cross-Country Soaring 2004
User Guide 
15. Possible Future Improvements
Here are a few things I have in mind for future releases of Cross-Country Soaring (CCS). (Of
course I make no guarantees that any of these improvements will actually be
- place FS (not BGL) clouds
atop thermals, or place thermals under these clouds (I’m doubtful
this is possible but plan to look into it.)
- make clouds drift with the
wind (so that thermals are more directly under the clouds as in reality)
- make the glider roll when one
wing’s in stronger lift than the other
- add localized areas of
substantial sink (like inverted thermals)
- make the sink surrounding a
thermal strongest on the thermal’s downwind side
- add an FS
“Modules” menu entry for starting CCS
- limit the vertical extent of
thermals (rather than every thermal existing as a continuous column from
the ground to the lift ceiling)
- make a sinking period at the
end of each thermal’s life
- model the ridge lift/sink
effects of surrounding terrain, not just the terrain directly beneath the
- make thermals trigger from
realistic locations (e.g., the sunny, upwind side of ridges) rather than
from completely random locations
Let me know what you think of CCS, and let me know what improvements you'd like to see (see Contacting the
Author). Check the CCS web site for new releases.
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