########################## # MULTI.TXT for MULTI- # # server for FBB BBSs # # By LA6CU # ########################## # # As always, MULTI-server can use DAT-files, or the adresses can be included # directly in the MULTI-message. In case of DAT-files, the server is called # with the name of the DAT-file (as before) like this: If the server is # called FBBETA, the message to the server is adressed SP FBBETA. The file # FBBETA.DAT contains the adresses of the receivers of the messages. # But, messages to the MULTI server can also hold the adresses in the # message itself. See the MULTI.DOC for more info. In this case the message # must be sent to SP MULTI. In case of SP MULTI, the server uses default # language (see below). But, you can also use one of the other included # languages, by adding that language's "letter" after MULTI. Say, if you # want to send a MULTI-message (without using any DAT-file) using french # language, you send the message to SP MULTIF. Or netherlands, you send # SP MULTIH. # MULTI-server uses this MULTI.TXT file to configure languages. # If MULTI is called with SP MULTI, the default language is used. This is # chosen in the first line below that starts with another character than #. # All lines starting with a # are comment-lines, and ignored by the program. # Complete laguage-modules may be added or removed, but it is very important # that the number of lines in each module NOT are changed ! And, that the # first line is the letter that is used to define that language. # # Default language (when server-name MULTI alone, is used): # (Next line is mandatory !!) E #----------------------- # Language-module start: # English (E): (SP MULTIE) E # # The 3 next lines must be max 18 characters, anded with a colon: # Message to : Copy is sent to : For information : # info is missing From MULTI-server The file is missing in BBS No copies were made. Contact SYSOP. Original date/BBS Message via message has been copied message (title is sent to Total messages # # End of english language. #------------------------- # Language-module start: # Norwegian (N): (SP MULTIN) N # # De 3 neste linjer skal maks ha 18 karakterer, og den siste skal v‘re kolon ! # Melding til : Kopi sendes til : For informasjon : # info mangler Fra MULTI-server Filen mangler i BBS Ingen kopier ble laget. Ta kontakt med SYSOP. Original dato/BBS Melding via melding kopiert melding (tittel er sendt til Totalt meldinger # # End of norwegian language. #--------------------------- # Language-module start: # French (F): (SP MULTIF) F # # The 3 next lines must be max 18 characters, anded with a colon: # Message pour : Copie envoyee a : Pour information : # information manque De MULTI-serveur Le fichier DAT manque dans BBS Il n''y a pas eu de copie. Contacter le SYSOP. Date/BBS origine Message via message a ete copie message (titre est envoye a Total messages # # End of french language. #------------------------ # Language-module start: # Netherlands (H): (SP MULTIH) H # # The 3 next lines must be max 18 characters, anded with a colon: # Bericht aan : Kopie aan : Ter informatie : # info ontbreekt Van MULTI-server De file DAT ontbreekt in BBS Niets gekopieerd. Waarschuw SYSOP. Originele datum/BBS Bericht via bericht is gekopieerd bericht (titel verstuurd aan Totaal berichten # # End of netherlands language. #----------------------------- # # Language-module start: # Svenska8 (S): (SP MULTIS) (Av SM5IO) S # # The 3 next lines must be max 18 characters, anded with a colon: # Meddelande till : Kopia s„nds till : Som information : # information saknas Fr†n MULTI-server Filen saknas i BBS Inga kopior gjordes. Kontakta SYSOP. Original datum/BBS Meddelande via meddelandet har kopierats meddelandet (titel „r s„nt till Totalt meddelanden # # End of swedish language #------------------------- # # Language-module start: # Spanish (P): (SP MULTIP) (Av EB5AGF) P # # Las siguientes 3 lineas deben tener 18 caracteres como maximo y terminar # en 2 puntos: # Mensaje a : Copia enviada a : Para informacion : # Falta la informacion De Servidor-MULTI El fichero falta en BBS No fueron hechas las copias. Contacta con el SYSOP. Original fecha/BBS Mensaje via mensaje ha sido copiado mensaje (titulo ha sido enviado a Total: mensajes # # End of spanish language #------------------------- #