Faq-O-Matic for Vovida

(Category) (Category) Vovida.org Faq-O-Matic :
SIP Residential Gateway
FAQ information for the SIP Residential Gateway
2002-Apr-29 1:05pm scribe@vovida.org

Answers in this category:
(Answer) How do I get started?
(Answer) What does the SIPRG do?
(Answer) What are the reference platforms for the SIPRG?
(Answer) How do I get support for the SIPRG?
(Answer) What additional software is needed to build the SIPRG?
(Answer) The SIPRG is not dialing out numbers? What could be the problem?
(Answer) Why isn't the SIPRG picking up calls from PSTN?
(Answer) Why aren't the SIPRG's requests reaching UAs and vice-versa?
(Answer) What's happening when the SIPRG does not receive a BYE from a UA?
(Answer) Where can I download SIPRG ?
(Answer) What is cadence?
(Answer) How do I set Frequency & Cadences for Call Progress tones ?
(Answer) Even with the proper frequency and cadence specified, the Ringback tone is not getting detected. Why?

(Answer) (SIPRG) Tone freq. and cadence settings that work in Hong Kong
(Answer) Using another PSTN Gateway
(Answer) Installing the SIPRG

[New Answer in "SIP Residential Gateway"]
2002-Aug-18 9:41pm
This document is: http://www.vovida.org/cgi-bin/fom?file=759
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