Kismet temsiK
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Usage Compiling | Configuring | Curses | Panels
Compilation & Installation
Before configuration and compilation, you should get the following packages:

ethereal ( This is a GREAT sniffer and capture reader, and will be invaluable to you for processing dump files. Kismet will also use Ethereal's wiretap packet library for dumping and reading dumpfiles if it is available.

gpsdrive ( This program does real-time street mapping and other useful GPS things, and includes gpsd, the daemon Kismet interfaces to for GPS support. Alternatively, you can get just the daemon from This is NOT required for compilation but you need the gpsd daemon running for GPS logging when you go to run Kismet.

1. Run the ./configure script. This will find as much as possible about your system. Most configuration options are autodetected, you should only need to override them for custom compilations if you are attempting to save space (such as for a handheld). Useful configuration options include:
--disable-curses disable curses UI
--disable-panel disable ncurses panel extentions
--disable-gps disable GPS support
--disable-netlink disable linux netlink socket capture (prism2/orinoco patched)
--disable-wireless disable linux kernel wireless extentions
--disable-pcap disable libpcap capture support
--enable-syspcap use system libpcap (not reccomended)
--disable-suid-root disable suid-root installtion (not reccomended)
--enable-zaurus enable some extra stuff (like piezzo buzzer) for Zaurus
--enable-local-dumper force use of local dumper code even if ethereal is present
--with-ethereal=DIR support ethereal wiretap for logs
--without-ethereal disable support for ethereal wiretap
2. Run 'make dep' and 'make install'
3. Edit kismet.conf (default install path, /usr/local/etc/kismet.conf) to set your logging type and preferences.
It is reccomended that you install Kismet suid-root. In general, it is actually more secure to run it in this fashion, because it will drop root privs and run as the user you start it as immediately after binding to the packet source, or before opening a wtapfile source. After privs are dropped it will do packet dissection as a user program, which is much more secure than doing it as root.
Server configuration
Kismet is controlled by the system-wide config file in /usr/local/etc/kismet.conf (by default). This file is a fairly straightforward directive=format layout.

"macfilter" (string) Comma-seperated list of MAC addresses to filter.

"tcpport" (int) Port to serve GUI data
"allowedhosts" (string) Comma-seperated list of IP's allowed to connect.
"maxclient" (int) Maximum number of simultaneously connected clients

"captype" (string) Packet capture type (prism2, pcap, wtapfile, or generic)
"capinterface" (string) Interface to capture packets from

"card" (string) Type of card being used to capture. This is used for the channel hopper and monitor programs. Recognised cards are:
cisco - Cisco card (pcap source)
cisco_cvs - Cisco on Linux using the beta CVS drivers (pcap source)
cisco_bsd - Cisco on *BSD (pcap source)
prism2 - Prism2 using wlan-ng drivers (deprecated) (prism2 source)
prism2_pcap - Prism2 using wlan-ng drivers with pcap support (pcap source)
prism2_bsd - Prism2 on *BSD (pcap source)
orinoco - Orinoco cards using Snax's patch (pcap source)
orinoco_bsd - Orinoco cards on *BSD (pcap source)
generic - Generic card with no specific support. You will have to put this into monitor mode yourself! (pcap or generic source)

"gps" (true|false) Enable GPS support?
"gpshost" (string) host:port for GPSD. This can be localhost OR remote

"writeinterval" (int) Interval in seconds to re-write datafiles

"sound" (true|false) Do we use sound? (not to be confused with GUI sound)
"soundplay" (string) Path to sound playing binary. This can be sox or any other program.
"sound_new" (string) Sound for new network
"sound_traffic" (string) Sound for network traffic
"sound_junktraffic" (string) Sound for discarded junk traffic
"sound_gpslock" (string) Sound for GPS lock aquired
"sound_gpslost" (string) Sound for GPS lock lost

"speech" (true|false) Do we use speech? (again, not to be confused with GUI speech)
"festival" (string) Path to the festival speech program

"metric" (true|false) Use metric measurements in the logfiles and output?

"waypoints" (true|false) Do we write waypoints for gpsdrive?
"waypointdata" (string) Waypoint file. This WILL overwrite any waypoints saved

"logtypes" (string) Comma-seperated list of logtypes to write
"noiselog" (true|false) Do we log packets that are noise/invalid?
"beaconlog" (true|false) Do we log beacon packets? If beacon logs are NOT logged, the capture file can not be reprocessed with the wtapfile source accurately.
"fuzzycrypt" (true|false) Comma-seperated list of capture types we use fuzzy encryption detection on.
"dumptype" (string) Type of dumpfile we generate (wiretap is the only supported format currently)
"dumplimit" (int) Maximum number of packets in a file before we start a new dumplog (for limited cases where ethereal crashes when a logfile is too large)
"logdefault" (string) Default logfile title
"logtemplate" (string) Logfile naming template

"configdir" (string) Base config dir (you shouldn't need to change this)
"ssidmap" (string) SSID map trackfile.
"groupmap" (string) Saved groups
"ipmap" (string) IP trackfile

UI Configuration
The user interface configuration is stored, by default, in /usr/local/etc/kismet_ui.conf. It is of the same format as kismet.conf.

"gui" (string) Type of GUI to launch (curses or panel)

"host" (string) Host:port to connect to for UI data

"decay" (int) Decay rate for network active/recent/inactive and click rate for traffic sounds. Increase this if you're using channel hopping.

"columns" (string) Comma seperated list of columns that will be displayed by the UI. Possible values are: decay, name, shortname, ssid, shortssid, type, wep, channel, data, llc, crypt, weak, packets, bssid, info, flags, ip, mask, gateway, maxrate, manuf, signal, quality, noise)

"apm" (true|false) Display battery status of client system?

"color" (true|false) Enable color.

Valid colors are the standard terminal colors, black, red, yellow, green, blue, magenta, cyan, white. Colors can be prefixed with 'hi-' for bold/bright colors, such as hi-blue, hi-white, etc.

"backgroundcolor" (string) Background color
"textcolor" (string) Default text color
"bordercolor" (string) Window border color
"titlecolor" (string) Window title color
"monitorcolor" (string) Monitor color (GPS and APM info)
"wepcolor" (string) WEP network color
"factorycolor" (string) Factory default network color
"opencolor" (string) Unprotected network color

Log types
There are several log types used for different types of data.
"dump" logs are ethereal-compatable dumps of the raw packet stream
"network" logs are a human-readable dump of all the networks found
"xml" logs are a XML-formatted dump of all the networks found
"csv" logs are a comma-seperated dump suitable to being loaded into SQL.
"weak" logs are airsnort-compatable dumps of cryptographically weak packets.
"cisco" logs are a human-readable dump of all the Cisco equipment using the Cisco Discovery Protocol, sorted by network.
"gps" logs are a binary dump of the GPS coordinates of packets and of the track taken while sniffing.

Log templates
Log templates are nasty and ugly at first glance, but they offer a lot of possibilities and you shouldn't have to edit them often. In the log template string,
%n is replaced by the logging instance name
%d is replaced by the current date
%t is replaced by the starting log time
%i is replaced by the increment log in the case of multiple logs
%l is replaced by the log type (dump, status, crypt, etc)
%h is replaced by the home directory of the current user

So, "netlogs/%n-%d-%i.dump" called with a logging name of "Pok" could expand to something like "netlogs/Pok-Dec-20-01-1.dump" for the first instance and "netlogs/Pok-Dec-20-01-2.%l" for the second logfile generated.

Another possibility is sorting logfiles by directory, with the template "logtemplate=%l/%n-%d-%i" which could expand to, "dump/Pok-Dec-20-01-1" "crypt/Pok-Dec-20-01-1", etc. In this case, the "dump", "crypt", etc, dirs must exist before kismet is run.

Fuzzy encryption detection
Technically, the correct way to detect encrypted packets is via the 802.11 frame capabilities. Unfortunately, not all networks appear to set this correctly which results in Kismet failing to flag packets as encrypted. Fuzzy encryption detection attempts to match the first bytes of the LLC frame. This will often result in some false positives, but the overall effect may be more desireable, depending on your situation.
Kismet Curses Interface
The curses interface is a basic, non-interactive frontend to view the output of Kismet. For users of older versions of Kismet, it is roughly analogous to the integrated curses interface.

Development on the curses interface is basically stopped - for new features, you should use the Panels interface. The Curses interface remains only for support of systems which do not have the panels extentions to Curses. If your system does not, look into upgrading your Curses package to support panels.

The curses interface is divided into three primary views:
1. Network display view, which lists the networks seen and various information
2. Statistics view, which lists the number of networks, packets, and elapsed time.
3. Status view, which scrolls recent events that may or may not be noteworthy.

The network display view attempts to fit as much information as possible into a relatively small amount of screen real estate, as such, not all the flags may be immediately obvious. The information displayed is:

Activity - Recent network activity (calculated off the decay setting, default of 3 seconds.) '!' indicates activity in the last 3 seconds, '.' in the last 6, and blank means inactive.

SSID - Name of the network
T - Type of network stream (A = AP, H = Ad-hoc, D = Data only)
W - Is WEP encryption enabled?
Ch - Communication channel (frequency range)
Data - Number of data packets seen
LLC - Number of 802.11 link control packets
Crypt - Number of encrypted packets
Wk - Number of weakly encrypted packets
Flags - Various network attributes (A# = IP block found via ARP, U# = IP block found via UDP, the number indicates the number of matched octets in the ip address, D = IP block found via DHCP offer, C = Cisco equipment detected)
Kismet Panels Interface
The panels interface is a truly interactive user interface for Kismet. It supports custom naming of networks, grouping of multiple networks, custom sorting methods, reporting of card power levels, dumping of printable strings found in data packets, and a host of other features.

Basics of the Panels interface
Like the Curses interface, the panels interface is divided into three primary views:
1. Network display view, which lists the networks seen and various information
2. Statistics view, which lists the number of networks, packets, and elapsed time.
3. Status view, which scrolls recent events that may or may not be noteworthy.

Display options are set via the kismet.conf file (see README.config). Column display is controlled by the "guicolumns" directive. As many columns as can be fit on the current display will be shown. Currently supported columns are:
decay - Indicates traffic within the last (decay) seconds (default: 3)
name - custom name of the network
shortname - short custom name of the network
ssid - network SSID
shortssid - short network SSID
type - Type of network (group, adhoc, etc)
wep - WEP flag of network
channel - Channel network is using
data - number of data packets seen
llc - number of LLC packets seen (802.11b control packets)
crypt - number of encrypted packets seen
weak - number of cryptographically weak packets seen
packets - total number of packets seen
bssid - network BSSID (MAC of AP)
info - network info flag (set by cisco APs)
flags - Status flags (arp, dhcp, udp, and number of octets detected)
ip - detected IP range of network
mask - detected netmask of network
gateway - detected gateway of network
maxrate - maximum rate supported by network (mbits/sec)
manuf - manufacturer
signal - signal level
quality - signal quality
noise - signal noise

Interacting with the Panels UI
The panels interface is very simple to use. Pressing 'h' will spawn a popup help window. 'x' or 'q' will close any popup window.
Key Action
z Zoom network pane to full screen (obscuring status and info panes). Pressing 'z' again will return the view to normal size.
m Toggle muting sound and speech, if they were enabled.
t Tag (or untag) current network or group
g Group currently tagged networks (will prompt for a new group name)
u Ungroup current group

h Popup help window
n Custom name currently selected network
i Detailed information about current network or group
s Sort network list
l Show wireless card power levels (quality, power, and noise)
d Print dumpable strings
r Packet rate graph
a Statistics about network channel usage and encryption
x Close popup window

Q Quit

On non-autofitting displays, up and down scrolls the selected network and right and left (or + and -) expand and collapse a group.
Important note on selecting networks
The default sorting method used by the Panels interface is Autofit. This fits as many currently active networks on the display as possible, and does not scroll. ALL NETWORK SELECTION, TAGGING, GROUPING, SCROLLING, AND SO ON IS DISABLED IN AUTOFIT MODE. Sort the network display by one of the other methods to select and group networks. Autofit mode changes the location of networks too frequently make selecting a single network realistic.

Grouping networks
To make a custom network group, simply tag all of the networks you wish to include (a '*' will appear next to each tagged network) and hit 'g'. You will be prompted for a new group name, and the tagged networks will be combined into a single logical group. This group will be saved across multiple uses of Kismet, so once a group is defined any time a network is seen it will be placed in the group automatically.

The information of all the client networks is aggregated for display of group-wide statistics. If any network in the group is currently active, the group is considered active. The detected IP ranges are compared to find a common range which is displayed. BSSID's are compared and as many significant identical digits as possible are displayed. Packet counts are aggregated.

String dumps
The string dump window displays a scrolling list of printable strings from data packets. 'p' pauses the string dump list and 'c' clears it.

This data can be extracted from dumpfiles with the 'strings' command.