What is it?
wayp2shp is a simple C-Progam which can read a Waypoint+ file. The data in this file will be converted to the shapefile format which actually means to three files: .shp, .shx and .dbf.

Windows GUI Version
This version is meant for Windows users that wish to use a Graphic User Interface (GUI) to convert files.  More advanced user may be interested in the command line version of this program.

01/15/2001 - Wayp2shp Version 1.0 developed.
03/01/2001 - Wayp2shp Version 1.1 fixed
                      a couple of bugs.
03/01/2001 - GUI Version 1.0 developed.
05/02/2001 - Wayp2shp Version 1.2 fixed x/y flip.

- Install using setup.exe
- Run the program
- Browse for files to convert
- Click on the "Convert" button

Copyright and License
Copyright (C) 2001 by James R. Taylor. The GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE applies. Absolutly No Warranty! See head of file wayp2shp.c for details. This source based on
gen2shp. The author is Jan-Oliver Wagner. I have used a module (utils.c) being a part of txt2dbf 1.0.2 ( dBase Tools). The author is Frank Koormann. These gentlemen made the source freely available in the common sense - thanks, Jan and Frank.

convert Waypoint+ files
into ESRI Shapefiles
Download Here:
Windows GUI version.

Question and Comments:
Name: JT Taylor
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