Administrative Reports of 
National Networked Digital Library, Indonesia

CCOHS Project Number: 001.1.2
Reporting Period: November 24, 2000 - November 24, 2001
By Ismail Fahmi, ST - 

Organizational Changes

It is important to report here that there has been a change in organization that execute this project, from CNRG to KMRG ITB.

Originally, the project was proposed by Ismail Fahmi under Computer Network Research Group (CNRG). But since 1998 he had a new task to help ITB Central Library while he still as the researcher at CNRG. Because his work was very important and many people join with him, he decided to establish a new group called Knowledge Management Research Group (KMRG) at the beginning of 2000. While CNRG's major research are on TCP/IP networking environtment, KMRG's major research are on knowledge and information management. 

When he received approval information on his project proposal from IDRC, KMRG has done researches on digital library very well. For the proffesional and practical reason, he decided to bring the operation of the project under KMRG administration. While for administrative matter he still placed CNRG as the organization that responsible on the project. So, both CNRG and KMRG have been working together to conduct this project. 

Staff Changes

The only staff changed in this project is Metra Cahya Utama, ST. He only works about two months until the end of October 2000. He had to move to Jakarta for new proffessional job. Because of that, he can't spend his time for this project any more.

His position, Application Development Coordinator, was then moved to Arif Rifai Dwiyanto, ST. After he do the job for a moment, his position is now changed by Dony Fauzan, because Mr. Arif has to hold a new task to develop Library Automation System.

The Related Project

Some project that conducted by KMRG / CNRG ITB and related to this project are:

  1. YLBHI & EIUDP: Development of Human Right Network Information System.

  2. YLTI: Development of Small and Medium scale Enterprise Information Networking System.

  3. EIUDP: Development of Eastern Indonesia Universities Digital Library Network.

  4. McGill and MORA: Development of IAIN Library Network.

International Meeting and Travel

After the launching of IndonesiaDLN, we have several international meeting and travel. Some of the travel cost are provided by the international organization who invite us, but some other have to be provided by the project.

  1. August 20 - 23, 2001: APAN Meeting, Penang Malaysia.
    Half of the cost (registration, air fare, and accommodation) was provided by APAN.

  2. September 10 - 12, 2001: 3rd IIWAS Conference, Lintz, Austria.
    IIWAS only covered for hotel accommodation and registration. The air fare should be provided by the project.

  3. November 4 - 9, 2001: ASIST Meeting, Washington, DC, USA.
    ASIST has cover all of the cost for this meeting and travel.

Ismail Fahmi,