Audio Services DivisionMass Media
Bureau -- Federal Communications
Commission |
The following table lists the FM spacing standards contained in 47 CFR Section 73.207 of the FCC's rules for the various classes of FM Commercial Radio Stations in the USA. These standards must be met before a petition for rulemaking may be filed for a new FM allotments. FM applicants for an existing commercial allotment may in some cases apply for (on FCC Form 301) a transmitter site which is closer spaced than these requirements, provided that the conditions of 47 CFR Section 73.215 are met. In addition to these separations, applicants or petitioners for Channel 253 (98.5 MHz) must also meet the I.F. spacing with respect to TV Channel 6 stations.
Applicants and petitioners for rulemaking within 320 km of the Canadian and Mexican borders must meet different spacing standards with respect to foreign stations. These are located in the Canadian Border Zone Spacings and the Mexican Border Zone Spacings documents.
Noncommercial Educational FM stations on Channels 218, 219, and 220 must also meet these separations with respect to commercial FM stations and vacant allotments on Channels 221, 222 and 223. The I.F. separation requirements in the following table also apply to noncommercial educational stations.
Spacings should be rounded to the nearest kilometer.
Relation | Co-Channel (Same Frequency) |
200 kHz (First-Adjacent Channel) |
400 or 600 kHz (Second- or Third-Adjacent Channel) |
10.6 or 10.8 MHz (I.F. Channel) |
A to A | 115 | 72 | 31 | 10 |
A to B1 | 143 | 96 | 48 | 12 |
A to B | 178 | 113 | 69 | 15 |
A to C3 | 142 | 89 | 42 | 12 |
A to C2 | 166 | 106 | 55 | 15 |
A to C1 | 200 | 133 | 75 | 22 |
A to C | 226 | 165 | 95 | 29 |
B1 to B1 | 175 | 114 | 50 | 14 |
B1 to B | 211 | 145 | 71 | 17 |
B1 to C3 | 175 | 114 | 50 | 14 |
B1 to C2 | 200 | 134 | 56 | 17 |
B1 to C1 | 233 | 161 | 77 | 24 |
B1 to C | 259 | 193 | 105 | 31 |
B to B | 241 | 169 | 74 | 20 |
B to C3 | 211 | 145 | 71 | 17 |
B to C2 | 241 | 169 | 74 | 20 |
B to C1 | 270 | 195 | 79 | 27 |
B to C | 274 | 217 | 105 | 35 |
C3 to C3 | 153 | 99 | 43 | 14 |
C3 to C2 | 177 | 117 | 56 | 17 |
C3 to C1 | 211 | 144 | 76 | 24 |
C3 to C | 237 | 176 | 96 | 31 |
C2 to C2 | 190 | 130 | 58 | 20 |
C2 to C1 | 224 | 158 | 79 | 27 |
C2 to C | 249 | 188 | 105 | 35 |
C1 to C1 | 245 | 177 | 82 | 34 |
C1 to C | 270 | 209 | 105 | 41 |
C to C | 290 | 241 | 105 | 48 |
Spacings to Canadian Stations, Spacings to Mexican Stations, Channel 253 - TV Channel 6 I.F. Spacings