15 Meter Slo-Chat
FISTS Home Page

The friendliest place in the world
to practice Morse Code and meet a new friend
or visit an old one!

Sundays: 1700 to 2300 UTC
8 wpm +/-
Frequency: 21.158.0 

This is not a net!
It is a FISTS affiliated slo-chat group that gathers on and around 21.1580 MHz
each Sunday to work slo CW QSO's.

You do not have to be a member of the FISTS CW club!

This chat is a cooperative effort to allow a frequency where ops working slower CW can meet.

..... QRS is not a dirty word here! ...

There are ops working the slo-chat regularly throughout the week
at random times and also regularly at 0100z most weeknights.
If you are looking for a place to work slo CW, check this out!

Check on and around the frequency - call "CQ FSC" (fists slo chat)

For more information, please contact:
Bill ve5hq@rac.ca or Becky kf6guh@hotmail.com

A little limerick



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