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: Services > LAN Dedicated > CBN Wireless
Dial Up
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- Registration
- Terms & Conditions
Cable Internet
  - Packages
- Registration
- Terms & Conditions
  - Packages
- Registration
- Terms & Conditions
CBN Hotspot
CBN Mobile
CBN Prepaid
CBN Free Email
LAN Dial Up
  - Packages
- Registration
- Terms & Conditions
LAN Dedicated
  - Packages
- Registration
- Terms & Conditions
CBN Wireless
Web Development
  - Web Template
- Tailor Made
- Terms & Conditions
Web Hosting
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- Registration
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Internet Data Center
  - Packages
- Terms & Conditions
Dedicated Wireless Connection
1. What is “Dedicated Wireless Connection” ?
If you are looking for a dedicated Internet connection for your company, but have certain limitations with your infrastructure, then using a wireless connection might be a good option. If you already have a dedicated connection using terrestrial infrastructure, and would like to make a back up link, then a wireless connection might also be a perfect option.

Recently, CBN makes the possibility becomes reality. You are just one step away from having a wireless Internet connection, dedicated for only you. Using 5.8 GHz licensed frequency, CBN is ready to bring this technology to your information technology inquiries and provide more solutions to your organization.

2. How Does It Work?

Same as the dedicated connection service we offer you, the wireless Internet connection can also be shared by multi users in your Local Area Network simultaneously.

3. What Kind of Device Needed For This Type of Connection?
Basically, if you have at least one computer with a plugged-in Network Interface Card (NIC), you have all the inquiry to get connected to the Internet via this wireless connection. However, this service is actually designed for Corporate Users, who have their own Local Area Network ready. There is no need for you to invest the wireless equipment, since the wireless subscriber unit will be provided by CBN.

CBN is using an out-door wireless equipment that does not necessarily need to be “line of sight” between your place and CBN’s Base Transceiver Station (BTS).

4. Who Should Choose This Type of Service?
This service is actually intended for you who have a local network, connected to the Internet for 24 hours. Downloading or sending a large amount of files, maintaining e-mail server, or even running a dedicated web server should not be a problem anymore.

Either you are running a Small-Office Home-Office (SOHOs), a medium-scale company, or even a large one, the implementation of this wireless infrastructure may as well be a wise choice. This technology is also possible for you who wish to make a local connection between your head office and your branch offices, as long as they are still covered by our BTS.

5. What Are The Benefits?
24-hour connection: The Dedicated Wireless Internet service provides a persistent connection to the Internet, with variety of bandwidth choices.
Security: As the line is not shared with other people, security is better. This may be important for e-business and dot.coms.
Constant speed: Because the infrastructure is not shared with other subscribers, the speed is not affected by the number of other users using this service at any given time.
A flat rate: No matter how many hours in a day or how huge your data that has been transferred, you will have a flat calculation rate.

6. What Do You Get in The Package?
• Dedicated Internet connection
• Wireless equipment will be provided by CBN and rented on monthly basis
• Unlimited usage.
• A domain name (company-name.co.id).
• Unlimited on-line technical support through our 24-hour hotline and e-mail
• 25 virtual name mailboxes (username@companyname.co.id) or 1 account for
   mail server application.
• 13 registered static IP addresses for running server application.
• 20-hour free monthly access of dial-up account.
• Free registration fee and monthly charges for the first 3 months of Value Package
  10 MB of our web hosting service.

7. What Should You Already Have?
• An office Local Area Network (LAN) with standard protocols.
• A router is not a primary requirement for this wireless system; however, we suggest
   you provide one for your networking and securities issues.
• A hub or switch.
• Required hardware and software for server applications such as mail server,
   web server, and proxy server.

LAN Dedicated Wireless Connection - Registration
1. For LAN Dedicated Wireless Internet Connection, please make sure that your place has been covered by our wireless coverage area. Further location survey should be done before we can determine the availability of the system in your place. Please review the terms and agreement of the location survey, as written in the registration form.
2. Request the CBN Registration Form to CBN Corporate Sales Account. You may have it by coming to our office in Manggala Wanabakti building, or ask for our sales executives to send it by fax or e-mail.
3. Should you need to come to our office to fill out the registration forms, below is the address of our headquarter:
Manggala Wanabakti IV Building, 6th Floor
Jl. Gatot Subroto, Senayan
Jakarta 10270
Or send it by fax to 574-2481
4. After CBN finish doing the location survey, we will send you the information about parameter for the Internet connection (IP addresses, subnet mask, gateway, DNS, username and password)
5. We will then give you 3x24-hour trial period to perform all necessary tests and applications in order to determine the quality of our service.
6. Should you agree with our level of service quality and decide to use the service, we will immediately begin the registration process as follow:
You will need to send us:
- A copy of the company's tax paying license (NPWP)
- A copy of Identification Card (KTP) for the Terms and Conditions signed,
   which will need to be above or at the level position General Manager.

We will then send you the following documents to be signed and legalized:
- Statement of Account (Invoice)
- The original Registration Form
- The original Terms and Conditions
Please kindly return the above documents back to us.
7. We will send you the copies of the documents once your account has been activated.
For further information, please contact us at:
CBN Internet
Manggala Wanabakti IV, 6th Floor
Jl. Gatot Subroto, Senayan, Jakarta 10270
Tel. : (021) 5799 4500 Ext.5120
Fax. : (021) 574-2481
e-mail : salescorp@cbn.net.id

CBN Bogor:
Kompleks Hotel Pangrango 2
Jl. Raya Pajajaran no.32
Bogor 16151 - Indonesia
Phone: (62-251) 323-222, ext 102
Fax: (62-251) 324-141

CBN Bandung:
Grand Hotel Preanger
Jl. Asia Afrika 81 Bandung 40111 - Jawa Barat
Phone: (62-22) 422-2224, ext 102
Fax: (62-22) 422-4555