[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 47, Volume 1, Parts 0 to 19]
[Revised as of October 1, 1999]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 47CFR18.307]

[Page 734]
                       TITLE 47--TELECOMMUNICATION
                     Subpart C--Technical Standards
Sec. 18.307  Conduction limits.

    For the following equipment, which is designed to be connected to a 
low voltage public utility power line, the RF voltage conducted back 
into the power lines measured with a line impedance stabilization 
network (LISN) shall be limited to:
    (a) Ultrasonic equipment:

                                       Maximum RF line voltage measured
           Frequency (MHz)              with a 5 <greek-m>H/50 ohm LISN
0.010-0.49..........................                 1000
0.49-30.............................                  200

    (b) Induction cooking ranges manufactured after February 1, 1980:

                                       Maximum RF line voltage measured
           Frequency (MHz)              with a 5<greek-m>H/50 ohm LISN
0.010-0.1...........................         10-1 (linear interpolation)
0.1-0.5.............................                                   1
0.5-30..............................                                0.25

    (c) RF lighting devices:

                                                        Maximum RF line
                                                        voltage measured
                   Frequency (MHz)                      with a 50 uH/50
                                                         ohm LISN (uV)
Non-consumer equipment:
  0.45 to 1.6........................................              1,000
  1.6 to 30..........................................              3,000
Consumer equipment:
  0.45 to 2.51.......................................                250
  2.51 to 3.0........................................              3,000
  3.0 to 30..........................................                250


    1. These conduction limits shall apply outside the bands specified 
in Sec. 18.301.
    2. For ultrasonic equipment, compliance with these conduction limits 
shall preclude the need to show compliance with the field strength 
limits below 30 MHz unless requested by the Commission.
    3. The tighter limits shall apply at the boundary between two 
frequency ranges.

[50 FR 36067, Sept. 5, 1985, as amended at 52 FR 43198, Nov. 10, 1987; 
64 FR 37419, July 12, 1999]

    Effective Date Note: At 64 FR 37419, July 12, 1999, Sec. 18.307(c) 
was revised, effective Oct. 13, 1999. For the convenience of the user, 
the superseded text is set forth as follows:

Sec. 18.307  Conduction limits.

                                * * * * *

    (c) RF lighting devices:

                                       Maximum RF line voltage measured
           Frequency (MHz)              with a 50<greek-m>H/50 ohm LISN
Non-consumer equipment:
    0.45 to 1.6.....................                 1000
    1.6 to 30.......................                 3000
Consumer equipment:
    0.45 to 30......................                  250

                                * * * * *