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Windows XP Professional MUI Pack

The Windows XP Professional MUI Pack allows users to change the language of the operating system user interface to any of the supported localized language versions (including English). This version is well suited for companies that:

  • Want to deploy and maintain a single operating system standard or desktop image worldwide.
  • Want to maintain a single code base for international application development.
  • Want to do single, simultaneous worldwide rollouts for hotfixes, patches, and Service Packs.
  • Have multilingual offices where different language speakers must share computers.
  • Have users who need to be able to log on anywhere in any language.

The Multilingual User Interface Pack is based on the International English version of Windows XP Professional. Although the user interface can be switched to any of the supported languages, compared to a localized language version of Windows XP Professional, some parts of the operating system are not localized in the MUI Pack. These include:

  • 16-bit code
  • Bitmaps
  • Some registry keys and values
  • INF files
  • Some system components, including:
    • Narrator
    • MSN® Explorer
    • NetMeeting®
    • Internet Connection Wizard

For more information about the Windows XP Professional MUI Pack, see the Locales and Language link on the Web Resources page at http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=291.

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