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Windows XP Professional Localized Language Versions

Each localized language version of Windows XP Professional contains the same language and regional support that is included in the International English version, meaning that users can read and write documents in almost any language. However, the operating system user interface appears only in the localized language instead of English.

A localized language version contains more extensive application compatibility than the International English version of Windows XP Professional, as well as extra local drivers, and legacy DOS and BIOS support. If your company, or a particular office or division of your company, operates primarily in a language other than English, or requires that the operating system user interface is in a language other than English, a localized language version of Windows XP Professional is an appropriate choice. For a complete list of the localized language versions of Windows XP Professional, see the Localized Language Versions link on the Web Resources page at http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=291.

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